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Save time and money, monitor your project's performance through intelligent data acquisition. Using purely digital tools, map soil nutrient distribution as well as pH levels.

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Smart & Precise Agriculture

Scalable bio-processes for biochemicals, APIs, biological fertilizers &

We're in the business of researching & developing bio-processes for efficient and cost effective production of biological fertilizers, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), fine biochemicals, proteins etc

Our Products & Services


Microbial isolates

Precision & Smart farming

Soil nutrient profiling
Soil pH Mapping
Disease diagnosis
IoT & Computer Vision

Bio-processes | Bio-fertilizers | Bio-stimulants

Crop nutriton & protection solutions you can use.

Biological Fertilizers


General purpose bio-fertilizer & bio-stimulant. Contains biologically derived plant growth hormones, live plant beneficial microbes, both macro & micro-nutrients.


Nitrogen fixation conferring formulation. Suitable for nitrogen hungry crops such as corn. Contains live plant beneficial microbes, macro & micro-nutrients.


In tomatoes, Biofert k75 alleviates septoria leaf spot, root rot, damping off, bacterial & fungal wilt. Contains plant growth hormones & microbial spores.

Precision & smart tools solutions you can use

Soil pH & Nutrient Profiling

Soil pH determination

Using image data analysis, we accurately determine your soil pH

Mineral nutrient mapping

From image data that you provide, we use artificial intelligence to determine mineral nutrient deficiencies in your soil

For UgX 30,000 get your report complete with pH and nutrient deficiencies. You also benefit from our avisory Services free of charge.
To get started, take close up images of your crop's leaves. You can also use camera capture. Submitted data will take atmost a day for results to be ready.