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We have harnessed the power of biotechnology to create products that cut across domains.

From biological fertilizers to pharmaceuticals to internet of things applications

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We research and design bio-processes for the production of variuos biotechnological products. That's our expertise. Talk to us concerning your need by following the link below.


Biologically derived bio-stimulants to increase crop performance, growth rates, tolerance to drought, artificially induce seed dormancy, induce root elongation.


Rock derived fertilizer constituents like phosphorus are a finite resource and are therefore exhaustible. As for nitrogen, it is abundant within the atmosphere constituting 78% of the air we breathe but its conversion into a plant usable form requires elevated temperatures and pressure.

Biological fertilizer technology allows for utilization of soil bound phosphorus and allows room temperature atmospheric nitrogen conversion to a usable form.

Our biological fertilizer does just that. It gives crops the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen getting up to 80% of their nitrogen this way and can be used to produce NPK fertilizer at industrial scale.


Bio-catalysts or enzymes for research. Talk to us about your needs.

Microbial isolates

Fungal and bacterial isolates for research and industrial production.


Biologics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Talk to us about your specific needs.